Olive connects technology buyers with the right solutions and technology vendors with their target customers. In other words, Olive is out to kill steak dinner handshake deals and biased RFPs.

UX Research, UX Design, UX Design, Design systems
UI, UX, Desktop, Web, Strategy, User Research
Creating transparency for technology buyers in one easy to use app.
The Brief
Olive believe in a transparent unbiased sales process that helps companies avoid the costly mistake of getting sold the wrong solution. They help technology buyers make more accurate, unbiased decisions with significantly lower costs and effort by looking deeply at their needs and suggesting best fit technology solutions.
On the flip side, Olive also helps technology vendors significantly reduce their customer acquisition costs by offering insights and access to the needs of target customers directly from the source.
We helped Olive bring everything together into one easy to use app that we designed from the ground up.
The Buyer Mindset
We talked to lots of people who buy software for a living during our lean UX discovery phase, and we learned that being able to collect, organize, and rate requirements in a single location was a critical part of making great purchasing decisions.
With this in mind we designed a way for stakeholders to easily input, rate, and organize their needs all in one place. Requirements can be broken down by team, individual, category, and rating to really understand what’s needed.

Simple Evaluations
Complex decision matrices, tangled spreadsheets, orphaned documents, yawn filled whiteboard sessions. These are the tools teams told us they were using to make their purchasing decisions. Olive knew there was a better way.
We created a drag and drop evaluation grid that gives buyers the ability to see how well vendors meet their needs and cross examine each of the top suggestions. The evaluation grid offers stakeholders a snapshot of exactly how and why a vendor fits their needs and gives them a single source of truth to share with the decision makers.

Leads That Matter
Selling software these days means piecing together information about prospects through lots of creative Googling, LinkedIn sneaking, company about sections, and a little black magic. We heard there is still a lot of “gut feeling” going into qualifying leads. On top of that, vendors told us that valuable insights about why a buyer decided to purchase gets lost after the ink dries.
We designed an interface for vendors to quickly see if a lead is worth pursuing, what the buyers needs are, and what their questions are, allowing vendors to make a decision it instantly.

"Working with Sixzero has been a game changer. Not only did they make our app look great, their obsession with getting to know and understand our customers helped us build Olive into something truly valuable.”

Chris Heard
CEO, Olive App